January 24, 2016


I'm very interested in animated movies. Not only in USA production, e.g. by Disney or DreamWorks, but also our native movies.
Unfortunately, it is very hard to find these kind of movies. Since 1990, virtually there aren't any movies. I really wish there were more.

Anyway, I've found some examples that animation in Poland still exists ;) Very often they're co-production, but still there are some people from our country.

Piotruś i Wilk
This short movie was created in 2006 and won the Oscar award. A person responsibled for scenography was Marek Skrobecki. "Piotuś i Wilk" was made in Se-ma-for Studios in Łódź, the most known Polish animation studio.
This movie is quite strange but worth seeing.

Latająca maszyna - Projekt Chopin
The creators of "Piotruś i Wilk" in 2011 produced another animated movie - "The Flying Machine". In my opinion it is more interesting. It connects the real world with the animated one (like in the French movies "Arthur and the Invisibles"). It is especially good for Chopin's fans :)

I hope in Poland will be more animated movies like that!

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